Send a swap
Send a swap
— Effortlessly spread kindness or make personal connections through our variety of swap options
Creative Mail Exchanges
Request a personal swap
You have to login to use this function.
Request a personal swap
This mode is perfect for those who want to connect with specific individuals and exchange mail with them. To use this feature, both individuals must be friends on the platform. To initiate a personal swap, you will need to select the person you want to swap with and send a request to them. Once the request is accepted, you can start planning and sending your mail. This mode allows for a more personal and customized exchange experience.
Request a random swap
Request a random swap
This mode allows you to initiate a swap with any member on our platform, whether you are friends or not. The system randomly selects the recipient, adding an element of surprise and excitement to the process. This mode is ideal for those who want to connect with new people, whether making new friends or discovering new cultures, perspectives, and interests through the exchange of mail. It's a great way to expand your network and experience a more diverse community on our platform.
Random Act of Kindness
Send a random act of kindness (RAK)
You have to login to use this function.
Send a random act of kindness (RAK)
Engage in a Random Act of Kindness (RAK) through our swap feature. Send thoughtful items to fellow participants without expecting a swap back in return, spreading joy and kindness through surprise gestures. Brighten someone's day with an unexpected act of generosity.
Pro tip: You can also send a heartwarming surprise to someone on their birthday, spreading extra joy and making their special day even more memorable.
Postcard Swapping
Send a one-way random postcard
Send a one-way random postcard
This feature is perfect for anyone who wants to send postcards to friends or even strangers. With this feature, you can send a postcard to a random person without needing their approval. The recipient does not need to send a postcard back, making it a simple and delightful one-way postcard-sending experience. It's an excellent way to brighten someone's day, whether you know them or not, and put a smile on their face.
Request a personal postcard
You have to login to use this function.
Request a personal postcard
The postcard swap is perfect for those who want to connect with specific individuals and exchange postcards. To use this feature, both individuals must be friends on the platform. To initiate a postcard swap, you will need to select the person you want to swap with and send a request to them. Once the request is accepted, you can start planning and sending your postcards. This mode allows for a more personal and customized exchange experience.
Request a random postcard
Request a random postcard
This mode is similar to the random swap mode, but it is specifically for postcards. It allows you to initiate a postcard swap with any member on our platform, whether you are friends or not. The system randomly selects the recipient, adding an element of surprise and excitement to the process. This mode is ideal for those who want to connect with new people, whether making new friends or discovering new cultures, perspectives, and interests through the exchange of postcards. It's a great way to expand your network and experience a more diverse community on our platform.
We are excited to offer you a variety of ways to connect and share your creativity through the mail. Here are the different modes we have available for you to choose from.
Click on a swap mode option on the left for more information.
Send a random act of kindness (RAK)
Engage in a Random Act of Kindness (RAK) through our swap feature. Send thoughtful items to fellow participants without expecting a swap back in return, spreading joy and kindness through surprise gestures. Brighten someone's day with an unexpected act of generosity.
Pro tip: You can also send a heartwarming surprise to someone on their birthday, spreading extra joy and making their special day even more memorable.
You have to login to use this function.
Request a personal swap
This mode is perfect for those who want to connect with specific individuals and exchange mail with them. To use this feature, both individuals must be friends on the platform. To initiate a personal swap, you will need to select the person you want to swap with and send a request to them. Once the request is accepted, you can start planning and sending your mail. This mode allows for a more personal and customized exchange experience.
You have to login to use this function.
Request a personal postcard
The postcard swap is perfect for those who want to connect with specific individuals and exchange postcards. To use this feature, both individuals must be friends on the platform. To initiate a postcard swap, you will need to select the person you want to swap with and send a request to them. Once the request is accepted, you can start planning and sending your postcards. This mode allows for a more personal and customized exchange experience.
You have to login to use this function.
Send a one-way random postcard
This feature is perfect for anyone who wants to send postcards to friends or even strangers. With this feature, you can send a postcard to a random person without needing their approval. The recipient does not need to send a postcard back, making it a simple and delightful one-way postcard-sending experience. It's an excellent way to brighten someone's day, whether you know them or not, and put a smile on their face.
Request a random swap
This mode allows you to initiate a swap with any member on our platform, whether you are friends or not. The system randomly selects the recipient, adding an element of surprise and excitement to the process. This mode is ideal for those who want to connect with new people, whether making new friends or discovering new cultures, perspectives, and interests through the exchange of mail. It's a great way to expand your network and experience a more diverse community on our platform.
Request a random postcard
This mode is similar to the random swap mode, but it is specifically for postcards. It allows you to initiate a postcard swap with any member on our platform, whether you are friends or not. The system randomly selects the recipient, adding an element of surprise and excitement to the process. This mode is ideal for those who want to connect with new people, whether making new friends or discovering new cultures, perspectives, and interests through the exchange of postcards. It's a great way to expand your network and experience a more diverse community on our platform.
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Frequently Asked Questions
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Do you have a question? Check below to see if we already have an answer for you. Use keywords or phrases to search, as this works better than full sentences.
General Questions
What is Snail Mail?
Is there an age limit to join Snail Mail Friends?
How quickly does Snail Mail Friends reply to my e-mail?
Can I write a blog post on Snail Mail Friends?
How do I get started on Snail Mail Friends?
Is Snail Mail Friends a site for finding pen pals?
Does Snail Mail Friends support any charitable causes?
Where is Snail Mail Friends based?
Is Snail Mail Friends available in multiple languages?
Is there a discussion board for members?
How does Snail Mail Friends handle user disputes?
How do I share feedback and suggestions with the team?
When I sign up, are exchanges assigned automatically?
Does Snail Mail Friends have a mobile app?
Are giveaways available for members?
Are all swaps physical, or are there digital options?
Account and Security
Enable 2-factor authentication (2FA)
Disable 2-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Night mode
I'm having trouble logging in
Why can't I upload my own banner?
Can I change my username?
Why can't I upload my profile picture?
Can I (temporarily) hide my account?
I want to close my account
I deleted my account. Can it be reactivated?
How do I set up a good Snail Mail Friends profile?
How to report errors, bugs, or broken links?
What content can I add to my profile?
How can I update my mailing address?
How do I reset my password?
Privacy and Data
Do we sell personal account data?
I don't want anyone to know my address
Who will see my mailing address?
How do I restrict private messages to only my friends?
How to deal with spam or inappropriate messages
Can I reduce the number of email notifications?
How does the SMS service work?
Can I block receiving random and personal swaps?
QR Code for easy snail mail ID entry
I received a notification, where can I see it?
Membership Plans
Why does Snail Mail Friends have paid membership plans?
What payment options are available?
Why is there a limit on snail mails in my plan?
What are profile stories?
My membership plan ended, can I still finish swaps?
How do I cancel my membership plan?
What is the direct renewal fee?
I have a paid membership and haven't hit my sending limit. Why can't I join a new event?
Is Snail Mail Friends free to join, and what’s in Basic?
What are swap credits and how do they work?
How to use a voucher code?
Swap Features
How does the rating work?
How do I add a friend?
What is Swap Trackr+?
What is the "Sending postcards" option?
Why can all creative levels join a swap?
Understanding Snail Mail Friends swaps
What does "lost" mean for a swap, and why does it happen?
Why do One-Way Postcards require detailed information?
What is meant by "Including Xtra goodies"?
Do external ratings count toward my profile?
Why do I need to choose a theme, name the swap, and set a deadline to send a postcard to a random person?
Swap Management
How do I set up a swap?
Where can I find my swap?
Where can I find the feedback I've given or received?
I can't find an outgoing swap
How can I find my archived swaps?
How do I create an external swap?
How do I update a rating for a received swap?
Why can't my snail mail be registered as received?
The swap ID is missing or is incorrect, how do I register it?
What if my swap partner hasn’t sent the swap?
What if a swap hasn't arrived?
Why should I archive my swaps?
How can I archive a completed swap?
How do I register a received swap?
How can I cancel a swap after it’s accepted?
What is the Swap Calendar?
Regular Events
What are Snail Mail Friends Angels?
Event swap options
How can I share a swap idea without hosting it myself?
Can I swap in a private group?
How to access and manage events you are hosting
Can I track swap progress while hosting my event?
Why join a Swap Event?
How to create a Swap Event?
What's the difference between Regular & Special Snail Mail?
What do Standard & Random Swaps mean in an event?
Why do I need to set a weight for a swap in an event?
Where can I find all the available events to join?
Why haven't I received a reply after commenting on an event?
Why is it important to update the status of a swap I'm sending?
Special Events
What is a “Tag, You’re It!”?
What is a Round Robin?
Why is the Round Robin feature still in beta mode?
Why am I unable to join a Round Robin due to low points?
My completed Round Robin is still in my Swap Tracker. Why?
Can I undo a wrongly marked received Round Robin ID?
How do I interpret the progress bars on my Round Robin?
I have received my Round Robin back. Am I done?
I don’t see the Round Robin finalize button. Where is it?
Is the Round Robin feedback public?
There is a technical problem with my Round Robin swap. What should I do?
Quick guide
What are Quick Access links?
How can I share my artwork in the Art Gallery?
What are Unity Hubs?
The creative crafter's dictionary: from angels to zines
Why isn’t my artwork fully visible on upload?
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