How can I find my archived swaps?
Category Swap Management | Number of views 100

Locating your archived swaps on Snail Mail Friends is a breeze. Here's how to do it:

Menu Navigation:

  • Start by going to the menu.
  • Click on [Swap Tracker].
  • Click on [Archived Swaps].

Filtering Options:

  • Once in the [Archived Swaps] section, use the filtering options to refine your search.
  • Toggle the "Incoming - Outgoing" button to choose incoming or outgoing swaps.
  • You can also use the "Search" option to search for swaps based on keywords, or utilize filters to refine your search by specific categories or locations.

With these simple steps, you can quickly access your archived swaps and find the ones you're looking for on Snail Mail Friends.

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