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Re: Ready to win? May 2023 edition: It's time for a giveaway!
by <Hidden> on June 01, 2023 - 10:00 PM
Total posts: 2
Location: Belgium

Oooooh jippieeeeee! Thank you very much 

Re: Re: Ready to win? May 2023 edition: It's time for a giveaway!
by <Hidden> on June 01, 2023 - 10:45 PM
Total posts: 388
Location: Netherlands
julie1982 wrote:

Oooooh jippieeeeee! Thank you very much 

Seal-abrate the moment!  We will be sending it your way very soon 📮 You are sure to have wax-citing times ahead 🤗🎊 

Founder of Snail Mail Friends, spreading happiness through Snail Mail. Making the world a happier place, one snail mail at a time ^_^

Re: Ready to win? May 2023 edition: It's time for a giveaway!
by <Hidden> on June 05, 2023 - 4:51 PM
Total posts: 26
Location: Netherlands

Congratulations @Julie1982 🎊 

I am Working On My PhD (Projects Half Done).