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Snail mail intro and my favorite craft
by <Hidden> on October 26, 2022 - 4:32 PM
Total posts: 390
Location: Netherlands

Snail mail - a mocking name for regular postal shipments, as opposed to much faster e-mail. However, since e-mail is whizzing fast around the world, there is a new term for sending a simple postcard and envelope: snail mail. Elsevier, 06.06.98

Real paper mail that gets delivered to your mailbox can be pretty slow sometimes, and that’s why we call it snail mail. Remember having pen pals whom you sent a letter to? Nowadays, you take it up a notch and go to town with your pretty papers and embellishments; the creative aspect is essential. Snail Mail Friends targets creative snail mail. You transform your snail mail into a work of art, which you send to someone along with handmade paper gifts. 

A term you will encounter on Snail Mail Friends is “swapping”. You send someone a creative snail mail, your swap, and you get a snail mail back from the same person. Creative snail mail can be anything. My favorite snail mail is a pocket letter (the pocket letter was created by Janette Lane), a trading card sleeve with nine pockets, and you make nine pieces of art to put in the individual pockets. You can include goodies and a note on the back of the pocket letter. You can also cut the sleeve down to a three-pocket sleeve, a mini pocket letter. When you have decorated your pocket letter, you send it to one of your snail mail friends.


Snail mail is perfect for you if you like to create and write letters. And even if you prefer to send a shorter letter, I am like that; your creativity will speak for you. Trust me when I tell you that snail mail makes happy! Getting to know people through a shared hobby makes snail mail very accessible and provides an opportunity to make new friends. And with snail mail, you can let your creativity run wild.