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Suggestion: See all swaps I've participated in, at a glance
by <Hidden> on August 20, 2023 - 3:55 PM
Total posts: 20
Location: Canada

On my dashboard these are listed in my Statistics box:

Swaps sent:  16
Swaps received:  15
Swaps lost:  0
Events created:  10

To make it easier to find current and old swaps I've participated in I would like each of these to be linked so I can see a list of all swaps I've sent, received, and created. And, I'd like to the lists to be linked to each of the swaps.

I'm having trouble remembering how to use the swap tracker feature. First thing I do is go to my dashboard and try to access my current and old swaps from the dashboard. To anyone reading this I'd love to know if others have the same problem, or if it's just me.

--Rome 9o96o--

P.S. I tried to add a screenshot, but using the "Insert/edit image" option didn't work. I got a "HTTP error: 400" message. I'm using Firefox.

Researchers found that 45 minutes of creative activity significantly lessens stress in the body.

Last edited by a moderator on 2023-08-22 14:08, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Suggestion: See all swaps I've participated in, at a glance
by <Hidden> on August 22, 2023 - 2:49 PM
Total posts: 388
Location: Netherlands

From your stats there are no links to your all swaps, they have their own menu right now. Only the swaps you have to send out are visible on your Dashboard.

I would recommend moving finished swaps to your archive. This will allow you to conveniently look back on both incoming and outgoing swaps in the archive.

This way your "Incoming swaps" and "Outgoing swaps" will show only the snail mail in progress.

If we can improve the swaptracker menu/page for you and other members,  please let us know how you think we could improve it for everyone 💭

⏳I will look into your upload problem with Firefox.

Founder of Snail Mail Friends, spreading happiness through Snail Mail. Making the world a happier place, one snail mail at a time ^_^

Re: Suggestion: See all swaps I've participated in, at a glance
by <Hidden> on August 22, 2023 - 6:16 PM
Total posts: 118
Location: Netherlands

Hi @9o96o,

The "HTTP error: 400" message you received might have been due to the image format not being supported. We only supported png, jpg and gif formats.

I've made some changes to the upload script and expanded the list of supported image formats. Now you can upload images in the following formats: jpg, png, webp, gif, bmp, svg, and jpeg.

Could you please give it another shot and try uploading the image again? If it doesn't work, please check the extention of the file. Feel free to reply to this post with a lovely image to test if everything is working as expected now.

If you continue to experience any difficulties, don't hesitate to let us know, and we'll be more than happy to assist you further.

Happy posting!

Digital Content Developer and Platform Engineer at Snail Mail Friends

Re: Suggestion: See all swaps I've participated in, at a glance
by <Hidden> on August 23, 2023 - 4:12 PM
Total posts: 118
Location: Netherlands


We've given our dashboard a fresh new look! It's now more user-friendly and visually appealing, making navigating through your Snail Mail experience more accessible than ever.

The most exciting part? We've introduced a fantastic new feature that we think you'll love – the ability to re-order your dashboard items. You can now arrange the things on your dashboard according to your preferences. Whether you want your Outgoing Snail Mails at the top, your Statistics, or even your Activities is up to you.

Our brand-new 'Drag and Drop to Reorder' functionality makes customizing your dashboard a breeze. No more static layouts! Just click, hold, drag and release the dashboard items exactly where you want them. It's an intuitive and seamless process that empowers you to create a personalized dashboard that reflects your Snail Mail journey.

We've added three new pages to your request. Directly from your Dashboard, you can easily access all your sent and received swaps and a page displaying all the events you've created. This means you'll find everything you need on a single page, regardless of whether it's in your incoming/outgoing swap tracker or your archive.

Additionally, we've incorporated a sorting feature that empowers you to arrange items from the oldest to the newest or vice versa, placing you in control of how you navigate your content.

Ready to give it a shot? Head over to My Profile, then click on "My Dashboard" to edit the looks of your dashboard. 

You can access the enhanced dashboard experience by visiting


Digital Content Developer and Platform Engineer at Snail Mail Friends

Last edited by The Stylist on 2023-08-23 20:26, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Suggestion: See all swaps I've participated in, at a glance
by <Hidden> on August 24, 2023 - 3:37 AM
Total posts: 20
Location: Canada

Thanks for making the change to the dashboard!  I hope it helps others too. Thank you so much Marco.

Rome / 9o96o



Researchers found that 45 minutes of creative activity significantly lessens stress in the body.

Re: Re: Suggestion: See all swaps I've participated in, at a glance
by <Hidden> on August 24, 2023 - 12:18 PM
Total posts: 118
Location: Netherlands
The Stylist wrote:

Hi @9o96o,

The "HTTP error: 400" message you received might have been due to the image format not being supported. We only supported png, jpg and gif formats.

I've made some changes to the upload script and expanded the list of supported image formats. Now you can upload images in the following formats: jpg, png, webp, gif, bmp, svg, and jpeg.

Could you please give it another shot and try uploading the image again? If it doesn't work, please check the extention of the file. Feel free to reply to this post with a lovely image to test if everything is working as expected now.

If you continue to experience any difficulties, don't hesitate to let us know, and we'll be more than happy to assist you further.

Happy posting!

@9o96o Good to hear you like it. 
Can you check for me if the error 400 is fixed to for uploading images? 

Please let us know if you missing more features on our platform. We greatly value the input of our members.
If you come across an exelent idea that you believe would add value, we're all for it! We will jump right into action so you don't have to wait that long 😬

Digital Content Developer and Platform Engineer at Snail Mail Friends

Re: Suggestion: See all swaps I've participated in, at a glance
by <Hidden> on August 25, 2023 - 10:48 PM
Total posts: 16
Location: France

Oh ! I love this new dashboard ! I think it is easier to track the sent and received swaps. Great job !


Re: Re: Suggestion: See all swaps I've participated in, at a glance
by <Hidden> on August 25, 2023 - 11:02 PM
Total posts: 118
Location: Netherlands
Emmanuelle wrote:

Oh ! I love this new dashboard ! I think it is easier to track the sent and received swaps. Great job !

That's the kind of feedback we truly appreciate — thank you!  🥰

Digital Content Developer and Platform Engineer at Snail Mail Friends

Re: Re: Suggestion: See all swaps I've participated in, at a glance
by <Hidden> on August 26, 2023 - 4:02 PM
Total posts: 16
Location: France
The Stylist wrote:
Emmanuelle wrote:

Oh ! I love this new dashboard ! I think it is easier to track the sent and received swaps. Great job !

That's the kind of feedback we truly appreciate — thank you!  🥰

You're welcome 😀 !

Do you think it could be possible to include upcoming events in the swap calendar (last signup date) ? Maybe with a different color to avoid confusion with the events in progress. I think it would be very helpful to see at a single glance what projects are available and what time is left before signing up.


Re: Re: Suggestion: See all swaps I've participated in, at a glance
by <Hidden> on August 26, 2023 - 4:09 PM
Total posts: 118
Location: Netherlands
Emmanuelle wrote:

Do you think it could be possible to include upcoming events in the swap calendar (last signup date) ? Maybe with a different color to avoid confusion with the events in progress. I think it would be very helpful to see at a single glance what projects are available and what time is left before signing up.

@Emmanuelle Love your idea! 😍 I actually just shifted gears from another project on SMF to dive into working on your idea. I'll make sure to keep you posted and let you know when it's good to go!

Digital Content Developer and Platform Engineer at Snail Mail Friends

Re: Re: Suggestion: See all swaps I've participated in, at a glance
by <Hidden> on August 26, 2023 - 4:15 PM
Total posts: 16
Location: France
The Stylist wrote:
Emmanuelle wrote:

Do you think it could be possible to include upcoming events in the swap calendar (last signup date) ? Maybe with a different color to avoid confusion with the events in progress. I think it would be very helpful to see at a single glance what projects are available and what time is left before signing up.

@Emmanuelle Love your idea! 😍 I actually just shifted gears from another project on SMF to dive into working on your idea. I'll make sure to keep you posted and let you know when it's good to go!

Thank you so much ! That would be awesome !


Re: Suggestion: See all swaps I've participated in, at a glance
by <Hidden> on August 26, 2023 - 5:51 PM
Total posts: 118
Location: Netherlands

@Emmanuelle And... I'm all done! Could you please take a look at the calendar to confirm if this aligns with your expectations? Check

I've updated the color scheme for all upcoming events, they are purple now, added a subtle icon, and ensured that only upcoming events you haven't joined yet are displayed. Even if you mark an event as "considering," it will still be visible, but once you've joined that particular event, it will be automatically hidden. When you click on it, you will be re-directed to that specific event.

I hope you find these changes to your liking!

Ps. How fast was that? 😆

Digital Content Developer and Platform Engineer at Snail Mail Friends

Last edited by The Stylist on 2023-08-26 19:08, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Suggestion: See all swaps I've participated in, at a glance
by <Hidden> on August 26, 2023 - 8:50 PM
Total posts: 16
Location: France

Awesome ! I was at the restaurant with my family and have just been back home. I couldn't believe it : the new calendar was already ready 🤩. That was fast !! And it is just what I needed ! I can see all the upcoming events for each month and it is great to be able to click on them to get the details if I don't remember them. Thank you so much, Marco ! It is very useful.

Have a lovely evening !


Re: Suggestion: See all swaps I've participated in, at a glance
by <Hidden> on August 26, 2023 - 8:56 PM
Total posts: 118
Location: Netherlands

Your very welcome! I hope you had a delightful meal with your loved ones. 😊

Should you have any further brilliant ideas, don't hesitate to share them with us. We're here to bring your amazing concepts to life! 

Digital Content Developer and Platform Engineer at Snail Mail Friends

Re: Re: Suggestion: See all swaps I've participated in, at a glance
by <Hidden> on August 27, 2023 - 3:46 AM
Total posts: 20
Location: Canada
Emmanuelle wrote:
The Stylist wrote:
Emmanuelle wrote:

Do you think it could be possible to include upcoming events in the swap calendar (last signup date) ? Maybe with a different color to avoid confusion with the events in progress. I think it would be very helpful to see at a single glance what projects are available and what time is left before signing up.

@Emmanuelle Love your idea! 😍 I actually just shifted gears from another project on SMF to dive into working on your idea. I'll make sure to keep you posted and let you know when it's good to go!

Thank you so much ! That would be awesome !

Thank you so much for making the calendar suggestion Emmanuelle. And thank you Marco for making the quick upgrade to the calendar! It's an excellent feature. I think this will also be a good way to get people aware and interested in joining approaching swap events.

Researchers found that 45 minutes of creative activity significantly lessens stress in the body.