11 results found for category "Swap Features"

How does the rating work?
Category Swap Features | Number of views 117

The Snail Mail Friends rating system evaluates the swap itself based on compliance with swap details, not the individual; ratings from non-members via Swap Trackr+ are for personal use only.
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How do I add a friend?
Category Swap Features | Number of views 123

To add a friend, click the blue "Send friend request" button on their profile; once accepted, you'll see their updates and new art uploads.
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What is Swap Trackr+?
Category Swap Features | Number of views 115

Swap Trackr+ is an exclusive feature for Platinum members that allows tracking of all external swaps manually, while automatically registering Snail Mail Friends swaps.
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What is the "Sending postcards" option?
Category Swap Features | Number of views 141

The "Sending postcards" option allows you to swap a set number of postcards per your membership plan; postcards are quick swaps with a separate count, sent to and received from either the same or different members depending on the event.
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Why can all creative levels join a swap?
Category Swap Features | Number of views 146

All creative levels can join swaps because there's no restriction based on skill level—everyone, from beginner to advanced, can participate and create!
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Understanding Snail Mail Friends swaps
Category Swap Features | Number of views 119

Snail Mail Friends allows you to initiate or accept swaps for a personalized experience, with Premium and Platinum members enjoying the optional One-Way-Postcard feature for easier postcard exchanges.
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What does "lost" mean for a swap, and why does it happen?
Category Swap Features | Number of views 159

A 'lost swap' is used for swaps that haven’t been acknowledged as received, often due to postal issues or tracking complications. It doesn't reflect on member reliability and can be resolved by resending or updating the status if received later.
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Why do One-Way Postcards require detailed information?
Category Swap Features | Number of views 127

One-way postcards on Snail Mail Friends require detailed information to maintain consistency with regular swaps and ensure recipients have all necessary details.
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What is meant by "Including Xtra goodies"?
Category Swap Features | Number of views 131

Snail Mail Friends offers two swap types: Regular, which is simple, flat mail without extras, and Special, which includes goodies, like items tucked into flipbooks. There's also an Xtra Goodie Option for adding even more treats—be sure to discuss with your partner about what to include!
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Do external ratings count toward my profile?
Category Swap Features | Number of views 117

Swap Trackr+ is a tool for Platinum members on Snail Mail Friends to track external swaps. Ratings in Swap Trackr+ are for personal use only and do not impact the overall Snail Mail Friends rating. This feature helps users organize swaps in one place, providing external partners with feedback options, while keeping official ratings separate.
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Why do I need to choose a theme, name the swap, and set a deadline to send a postcard to a random person?
Category Swap Features | Number of views 152

A random postcard swap is an exchange where you send a postcard and receive one back from the same person. To set up the exchange, you’ll need to provide swap details like a title, theme, image, description, and deadline. Once the request is accepted, the exchange proceeds, and your partner can leave a rating for the swap.
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